活動用,擺舖頭,型格,方便又抵用嘅客製LED燈牌及裝置藝術,無論造型大小,一個就訂造得,BUNC 20年LED燈飾製作經驗,自家生產
更多製成品參考歡迎到 ZEUS Facebook page
Facebook: ZEUS Light HK
Instagram: bunc_zeus
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作品 千里之行,始於足下。 A thousand miles begins with a single step.
ZEUS 的創辦人 Bun Chan希望LED燈牌裝飾能成為高端的藝術裝置,從內容以至於擺放的位置都有發人深省的目的,讓人思考自己的價值和生活態度。
ZEUS 期望能透過LED燈帶,將每句名言每幅名畫以創新的方式呈現,令LED燈牌成為一種藝術品或藝術品中的一部份是我們的目標。
Bun Chan, the founder of ZEUS, hopes that LED light board decoration can become a high-end art installation, which has a thought-provoking purpose from the content to the placement, and makes people think about their own value and attitude towards life.
ZEUS expects to be able to present every famous saying and every famous painting in an innovative way through the LED light strip. It is our goal to make the LED light board a work of art or a part of it.
Finally, the design concept of this series hopes to present the golden sentences on the walls of offices or shopping malls in the form of large-scale light signs to enhance the cultural sense of the place and influence or represent the atmosphere of the place. The words and meanings in the book bring into different aspects of your life.